Award ceremony for the children of employees at An Thai Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd.

On August 8, 2024, a prestigious award ceremony was held at the 7th-floor hall of the Thái Bình Department of Transport to honor the outstanding achievements of the children of employees at An Thái Automobile Engineering Co., Ltd. during the 2023-2024 academic year.

The ceremony was graced by the leadership of the Thái Bình Department of Construction, the Board of Directors of the Thái Bình Department of Transport, members of the Trade Union Executive Committee of the industry, and a large number of students who had achieved excellent results.

This academic year, An Thái honored 09 exceptional students, each of whom secured First, Second, or Third place in the district and city-level student excellence competitions. These accomplishments are a source of pride not only for the students but also for their families and An Thái.


  • Nguyễn Khánh Thư, daughter of Nguyễn Văn Diễn (Warehouse Department), 8th grader at Minh Khai Secondary School, Second place in Foreign Language at the district level.
  • Phạm Hoàng Minh Chi, daughter of Phạm Văn Thắng (Automobile Repair Center), 8th grader at Duy Nhất Secondary School, First place in Literature at the district level.
  • Phạm Minh Phương, daughter of Phạm Quang Vinh (Eastern Hưng Registration Center), 9th grader at Phạm Huy Quang Secondary School, First place in English at the district level.
  • Phạm Minh Tú, younger brother of Minh Phương, 6th grader at Phạm Huy Quang Secondary School, First place in Mathematics at the district level.
  • Đoàn Hương Quỳnh, daughter of Đoàn Quang Tuyên (Sales Department), 8th grader at Vụ Lễ Secondary School, Third place in Foreign Language at the district level.
  • Tạ Trí Nhân, son of Nguyễn Thị Mai (Purchasing Department) and Tạ Văn Huynh (Eastern Hưng Registration Center), 1st grader at Duy Nhất Primary School, Bronze medal in the Vietnamese language online competition organized by FPT.
  • Tạ Diệu Linh, sister of Tạ Trí Nhân, 3rd grader at Duy Nhất Primary School, Provincial level excellence in Vietnamese in the Violympic competition.
  • Hoàng Hải Nam, son of Hoàng Văn Minh (Automobile Repair Center), 7th grader at Phú Xuân Secondary School, School-level excellence in all subjects.
  • Lê Thanh Loan, daughter of Lê Đại Nam (Automobile Repair Center), 11th grader at Vũ Tiến High School, Second place in Foreign Language.

The company’s leadership extended their congratulations to the students and encouraged them to continue their efforts and maintain their academic spirit in the coming years.

An Thái Automobile Mechanical Co., Ltd. consistently supports and prioritizes the development of future generations, believing that today’s “good seeds” will grow into sturdy trees in the future.

The nurturing and encouragement of employees’ children not only motivate the students but also provide peace of mind for parents, allowing them to fully dedicate themselves to their work at An Thái.

These achievements are not only a source of pride for the students’ families but also a testament to the sustainable development that An Thái strives for.

Some photos from the award ceremony: